Sunday, April 13, 2008

Fightin' Irish

A lot has happened in the past couple days!

We arrived in dublin about 1:30 yesterday, and it has been a nonstop adventure ever since. we got on the bus, and almost immediately
Jon struck up a conversation with a man about religion, Jon talked with him for about a half hour. When we actually arrived in the city, we realized how
actually frigid it was outside, I bought a sweatshirt and some gloves at this one store and then as soon as we stepped out there was a huge protest going on in the middle of
the street, and there were police everywhere. We got a lot of pictures and some video. After that we went exploring the city.

Now nobody told us that the streets of Dublin look a lot like a spiderweb, and it is really easy to end up in some strange part of the city... Because of this, Jon and I saw nearly all of
Dublin on foot, the outside of buildings that is. But we found a lot of little hole in the wall places that are everywhere.

Today was pretty cool, we had in mind to go to the meeting in Ireland, so we found a kingdom hall, and got ready to check it out. We woke up, called a taxi and left for this tiny
little kingdom hall on Wesley St. Now Jon and I have taken about 5 taxis and 4 out of 5 we had a great witness with our driver! There is a great need here for witnesses, in total we have gotten about nearly 8 hours of informal witnessing time between the 2 of us. The majority of people have had it with the catholic church and their hypocrisy..

The meeting was awesome, the hall is modern and actually quite stylish even though it was small..But after a brother invited us back to his house for
coffee, and he ended up serving us a good lunch of meatballs, eggs, and "dry bread''. The houses here are really cool on the inside.

Finally we went to the Guiness Storehouse, and were able to see how Ireland's most famous beer is made, and even try a pint. It's in an awesome modernized building, Guiness owns half the

I'm saving the best for when I see any of you directly, but know that the Irish like the movies "Smokey and the Bandit" and anything by Groucho Marx.

I think the saying we found on a bar in the public square says it all, which read "there is a good time coming, be it ever so far away."


Digital boots said...


Miss you! Don't come back married or anything...

Digital boots said...

Post something new on your blog already!!!!